If you want to get your contractor license in SC, our exam prep school for the building and construction industry offers small, in-person contractor's classes in Columbia and Greenville, South Carolina.
Our instructors are trained in exam preparation, and we know how to teach the material so that you will have the best chance of passing your exam. We offer courses covering: plans, math, estimating, load calculations, and isometrics. All of our classes include the law exam prep should you need it for your particular exam. We also provide you with study guides and practice tests to help prepare you for your desired license. The books you need for your exam, and where to buy them, are listed on the specific page for your contractor exam prep class. Once you've completed our exam prep, we recommend you spend about 20 hours studying before taking the contractor license exam. The tests are open book, and we will help you prepare so that you can quickly find the information you'll need during the exam.
In the state of South Carolina, all contractor exams are given by computer by a third-party testing service, PSI Examination Service. You can schedule your open book exam 1 day in advance on their website. PSI has four testing centers around the state, Charleston, Columbia, Greenville, and Myrtle Beach.
Three ways to find the contractor's exam prep class that's right for you:
- Select View All Exam Prep Classes from the menu, then select the contractor's exam you're interested in. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see all the scheduled contractor's exam prep classes for 2018 in both Greenville and Columbia.
- Check our contractor classes calendar for a class near you!
- Don't see the class you're looking for? Get in touch and we can work with you to arrange a private class to address your particular needs.
Google Reviews
This is an awesome program with fantastic instructors. It helped me to prepare by understanding the structure required to pass the examination. Paul and Coleman were part of my support system which helped me navigate through the process and obtain my licensure. I am greatly thankful for this school!
SAW Electric
I just passed my HVAC contractor exam on the first try after taking Paul Calvo's class. Coleman was my instructor. Timed test are difficult for me personally, but with the methods and game plan laid out by Coleman I was able to easily navigate through the exam. On a personal note, Colman took time out of his busy schedule to answer questions after I took the exam and greatly helped build my confidence going into the exam. Can't give praise to Colman and the experience with this program.
David M.
I failed my first time taking the state contractors exam prior to taking Paul’s course. After taking his course, I felt that I was more confident in the material. It showed when I retook the exam and passed. I ran out of time the first time I took the test. With Paul’s guidance, I was able to finish the test the second time with 30 minutes to spare. I definitely recommend using his services to better prepare yourself for your state exam.
Spencer B.
Thanks to the expert help and guidance that Paul and his instructors provide, I passed my SC Master Plumber Exam on the first attempt! ... I will recommend any contractor who is nervous about their test taking ability seek out Paul!
Peter B.
I cannot say enough good about the Paul Calvo school for contractors. Paul and Colman are fantastic and really care about the success of their students. ... My instructor Colman taught me how to study properly and how to key in on important details that are needed to pass. Today I passed the business law portion and I now am a licensed residential plumber thanks to Coleman and Paul!!!
Joe C.

Paul Calvo
Paul Calvo is a Civil Engineer, Licensed General Contractor in both North and South Carolina with over 35 years experience in the building industry. Paul has been teaching exam prep for contractors for more than 20 years. His students have a 95% pass rate. He is a Graduate of University of South Carolina.